From time to time I get asked why my blog isn’t comment enabled. There are several reasons for this:
- It’s my blog. It’s here as way for me to share information, make comments, and express opinions. Incidentally, one of those opinions is that all of these objectives can be met by a site that doesn’t support comments.
- Comment sections make for a horrible discussion medium, I’d really rather get an email. I realize this makes it more of a pain for folks to provide feedback, and it hasn’t escaped my attention that this also serves to improve the quality of feedback. Drastically in fact.
- Let’s be realistic. I do a piss-poor job of posting with any regularity, it’s pretty much a given that I’m going to do an even worse job of tracking and responding to comments.
- Spam, (and this one is pretty much reason enough). Others deal with this through some combination of moderating, content filtering (which requires accepting some false positives and/or negatives), or forcing users to jump through a series of hoops. It’s an arms race and a pain in the ass. No thanks.
In other words, I’m selfish, and lazy.
Whether you agree or disagree, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Leave me a comment below and tell me how you feel!